by AFREN | Aug 12, 2021 | Case study, Case Study Parent, nfnb case study
“A combined effort by all growers to rotate between fungicides is needed to ensure their longevity and we will need to reduce the intensity of barley rotation. We need to think beyond what we’re doing in one season.” Sam Holmes, Central Ag Solutions Common...
by AFREN | Jul 30, 2021 | News, wheat-stb
Wheat growers are being encouraged to monitor the effectiveness of fungicides this season after the discovery of Group 11 (strobilurin) resistance in Septoria tritici blotch (STB) for the first time in South Australia. Photo: Evan Collis Photography. Courtesy: GRDC...
by AFREN | Jun 8, 2021 | News
Grain growers are being urged to increase their knowledge of fungicide resistance risks and optimal fungicide management in their cropping systems. Cases of fungicide resistance have been reported in a wide variety of crops and all Australian growing regions over...
by AFREN | Mar 17, 2021 | News, wheat-powdery-mildew
Courtesy: GRDC, DMI resistance in wheat powdery mildew confirmed for the first time – GRDC New South Wales and Victorian grain growers are urged to be on alert following confirmation that difficulties experienced in 2020 controlling wheat powdery mildew are...
by AFREN | Feb 17, 2021 | News
Courtesy: GRDC GroundCover, AFREN support network to tackle fungicide resistance | Groundcover ( The Fungicide Resistance Five Five key actions to help growers maintain control over fungicide resistance, regardless of their crop or growing region: Avoid...