The Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network
Helping growers and advisers stay informed about the prevalence and management of fungicide resistance in their region
disease pressure
fungicide use
with extension
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The Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network has been established to develop and deliver fungicide resistance resources for grains growers and advisers across the country. It brings together regional plant pathologists, fungicide resistance experts and communications and extension specialists.
We want to equip growers with the knowledge and understanding they need to reduce the emergence and manage the impacts of fungicide resistance in Australian grains.
Fungicide resistance is a significant problem in Australian cropping
Resistance arises when fungi are overexposed to fungicides from the same chemical mode of action group. It can become a major constraint to good disease control, especially where no alternative fungicide or host-plant resistance is available.
When fungicides are applied regularly the resistant individuals that survive can come to dominate the fungal population.
Fungicide resistance varies greatly according to the specific combination of host plant, pathogen, and fungicide group – which means management strategies need to be tailored to each scenario for best effect.
Good agronomic practices and responsible use of fungicides can help minimise the risk of fungicide resistance developing.
Resistance is more prevalent in areas with higher disease pressure, where fungicides may be applied more frequently.

Check out some of the resources available on the AFREN website.
Management Guide
The Fungicide Resistance Management in Australian Grain Crops guide explains fungicide resistance and best practice management strategies.
Blog Posts
The blog posts published provide a snapshot summary of some key messages on fungicide resistance available within AFREN.
Podcasts produced with leading fungicide resistance experts on key topics are available on most podcast streaming services.
Videos produced to help growers understand how fungicide resistance develops and how to prevent it from becoming an issue.
Case Studies
These case studies provide useful insight into managing fungicide resistance in the cropping system.
Webinars were delivered in 2020 and 2021 to provide seasonal updates on diseases pressures and fungicide issues.
Fact sheets
Fact sheets on individual crops, diseases and specific resistance cases are available online.
Other resources
A series of links to other useful online resources regarding fungicide resistance and disease management.