The Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network
disease pressure
fungicide use
with extension
Supported by the GRDC, the Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network (AFREN) brings together regional plant pathologists, fungicide resistance experts and communications and extension specialists to develop and deliver fungicide resistance resources to growers and advisers across the country.
Fungicide resistance
Fungicide resistance is a multi-dimensional problem, with impacts and management strategies specific to different crops, diseases and regions.
The risk of fungicide resistance is greatest where fungicides with a single mode of action are used repeatedly to control highly virulent pathogens in the presence of susceptible crop varieties, favourable weather conditions and less than ideal agronomic practices.
By taking advantage of AFREN resources, growers and advisers can better understand how to reduce the threat of fungicide resistance.
AFREN objectives
AFREN brings together regional plant pathologists, fungicide resistance experts and communications specialists to develop and deliver resources for growers and advisers. Our goal is to provide knowledge and understanding of best practice management strategies to reduce the impact and emergence of fungicide resistance.
Specifically, the project will deliver:
- A national fungicide resistance management guide
- Local information sessions and workshops
- Fact sheets, updates and email alerts
- Educational webinars
Regionally-specific resources are being developed to help growers and advisers address the issue as it impacts their area.
By increasing awareness of occurrences, risk factors and best management practices, we can limit the emergence and the impact of fungicide resistance in Australia.
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Share your experiences
Share your experiences with fungal pathogens and fungicide resistance with AFREN and other farmers. Upload photos of fungal infections in your crops, or your stories of fungicide resistance.
Please provide as much information as possible in the upload form.
If you prefer, please Contact Us.
Contact the AFREN team
Communication and Extension

Nola D'Souza
AFREN Project Coordinator

Communications and Extension

John Cameron
AFREN Extension & Crop Protection Specialist
Independent Consultants Australia Network
02 9482 4930
0427 209 709
Email John
Visit ICAN Rural website
Regional Fungicide Resistance Experts

Prof. Levente Kiss
Director, Centre for Crop Health
• Integrated disease management in summer grains
• Powdery mildew
Centre for Crop Health
University of Southern Queensland

Dr Noel Knight
Senior Research Fellow
• Plant pathologist
• Fungicide resistance in mung bean
Centre for Crop Health
University of Southern Queensland

Dr Lisle Snyman
Senior Plant Pathologist
• Cereal pathology – winter cereals
• Barley foliar diseases & wheat rusts
• Net form net blotch of barley
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
New South Wales
South Australia

Dr Steven Simpfendorfer
Senior Research Scientist
• Cereal pathologist
• Integrated disease management in winter cereals
• Diagnostics and surveillance
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
Tamworth Agricultural Institute

Brad Baxter
Research Officer - Cereal Pathology
• Cereal rust
• Crown rot
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute

Prof. Robert Park
Director, Cereal Rust Research, University of Sydney
• Cereal rust research
• Genetic solutions to plant diseases
• International agriculture experience
Centre for Cereal Rust Control
Plant Breeding Institute, University of Sydney

Dr Tara Garrard
Research Leader - Cereal Pathology
• Cereal pathology
• Net form net blotch of barley
South Australian Research and Development Institute

Nick Poole
Managing Director
• High rainfall zone agronomy and crop pathology
• Septoria tritici blotch of wheat
• Foliar fungicides and fungicide resistance
FAR Australia

Dr Joshua Fanning
Senior Research Scientist
• Field crop pathology
• Integrated disease management
Agriculture Victoria
03 5450 8301
Email Joshua
Visit Agriculture Victoria website

Dr Hari Dadu
Research Scientist
• Management of foliar diseases of wheat, barley and oats
• Septoria tritici blotch in wheat
• Spot form of net blotch in barley
• Red leather leaf in oats
Agriculture Victoria

Dr Steve Marcroft
Coordinator - Australian Canola Pathology Program
• Canola pathology
• Blackleg of canola
• Blackleg resistance ratings and fungicide resistance screening
Marcroft Grains Pathology
03 5381 2294
0409 978 941
Email Steve
Visit Marcroft Grains Pathology website

Dr Angela Van de Wouw
Senior research fellow
• Canola pathology
• Blackleg of canola
• Blackleg resistance ratings and fungicide resistance screening
School of BioSciences
University of Melbourne
Western Australia

Geoff Thomas
Research Scientist
• Cereal & Pulse Pathology
• Integrated disease management
• Extension
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
08 9368 3262
0428 947 287
Email Geoff
Visit DPIRD WA website

Dr Kithsiri Jayasena
Research Scientist
• Cereal pathology and extension
• Integrated disease management
• Fungicide resistance and management
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA

Dr Andrea Hills
Research Scientist
• Cereal, pulse and oilseed crop pathology
• Communication and extension of research and sustainable fungicide practices
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA

Dr Fran Lopez-Ruiz
Program leader - Fungicide resistance management and disease impacts
• Fungicide resistance diagnostics and management
Centre for Crop and Disease Management
Curtin University