disease pressure
fungicide use
with extension
Latest News
Curbing the rise of fungicide resistance
The ‘Green Revolution’ and introduction of fungicides, while contributing to a pivotal advancement in grain production, is not without its challenges, foremost among them being the looming threat of fungicide resistance.
Knowledgeable growers – the frontline defence
AFREN’s mandate is to help growers and advisers stay informed about the prevalence and management of fungicide resistance in their region.
WA joins SA with 2 out of 3: DMI + SDHI resistant Net-form net blotch
Thanks to a recent CCDM survey, net-form net blotch on barley has been identified as resistant to SDHI (Group 7) fungicides in Southern WA, with potential to reduce options for disease control in the future.
Net blotch project reveals the real story of fungicide resistance in WA
In this Spotlight article, CCDM shares recent results from the Barley Disease Cohort Project, where four years of research has led to a much clearer picture of the fungicide resistance situation in Southern WA.
Wheat powdery mildew pathogen now resistant to two fungicide groups
With wheat powdery mildew capable of reducing grain yields by up to 25 per cent in conducive seasons, a fungicide resistance expert calls for care to preserve the life of available fungicides.
Queensland joins the rest of Australia with fungicide resistance
Courtesy: Megan Jones, CCDM, original article published online – Queensland joins the rest of Australia with fungicide resistance - CCDM Australian grain growers, we’re now all in this together. We’re sad to say it, that unfortunately for Queensland, this state...
Optimising seed-saving strategies starts at harvest
Wheat growers are being urged to monitor the effectiveness of fungicides this season after the common wheat disease, Septoria tritici blotch (STB), was discovered to be resistant to Group 11 fungicides (strobilurins).
We need your input – fungicide resistance awareness in the spotlight
Grain growers and advisers are invited to take part in a national Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network (AFREN) survey to gauge awareness of fungicide resistance issues and management.
Whether you consider yourself an expert, a responsible fungicide user, or just want an idea of how your current knowledge measures up, your participation will be valuable to AFREN’s ongoing fungicide resistance extension work.
Strobilurin resistance in Septoria tritici blotch confirmed in SA
Wheat growers are being urged to monitor the effectiveness of fungicides this season after the common wheat disease, Septoria tritici blotch (STB), was discovered to be resistant to Group 11 fungicides (strobilurins).
AFREN hosts webinars at various times. Please check back regularly for updates, or view recordings of previous webinars.
Pulses and mungbean 2024 seasonal update
Centre for Crop Health’s Levente Kiss and AgVic's Josh Fanning provide an update on fungicide resistance detections in mungbean powdery mildew, plus a seasonal update on pulse disease, best-practice management and fungicide use.
Western region 2024 seasonal update
DPIRD WA’s Kith Jayasena and Andrea Hills provide an update on fungicide resistance in the western region. This webinar also includes practical strategies for managing diseases and fungicide resistance risk factors.
Southern region 2024 seasonal update
SARDI’s Tara Garrard and Agriculture Victoria’s Josh Fanning and Hari Dadu provide an update on current disease status and fungicide resistance in the southern region for cereals and pulses. This webinar also includes practical strategies for managing diseases and fungicide resistance risk factors.
Northern region 2024 seasonal update
The Centre for Crop Health’s Noel Knight and NSW DPIRD’s Steve Simpfendorfer and Brad Baxter provide an update on current disease status and fungicide resistance in the northern region for cereals. This webinar also includes practical strategies for managing diseases and fungicide resistance risk factors.
Contact us for an event
If you’re interested in having one of our team present an information session on fungicide resistance to your grower or advisory group, please get in touch.
We have regional pathologists in all states, and can deliver in person or online.
Share your experiences with fungal pathogens and fungicide resistance with AFREN and other farmers. Upload photos of fungal infections in your crops, or your stories of fungicide resistance.
Please provide as much information as possible in the upload form.