Resources – Videos
disease pressure
fungicide use
with extension
Strategies for managing fungicide resistance: tools for tackling blackleg of canola
Dr Angela Van de Wouw, University of Melbourne
Blackleg is the most serious disease in Australian canola, and while fungicides are commonly used to help manage this disease, there are concerns that an over-reliance could encourage fungicide resistance. In order to explore this further, GRDC is making a significant investment into fungicide resistant management strategies in blackleg of canola. This video looks at the extensive research being done on the emergence and management of fungicide resistance to blackleg.
Applying fungicide strategically to minimise resistance risk and maximise economic return
Nick Poole, FAR Australia
Money leaves on wheat!? No, money is not growing on wheat! But as FAR Australia’s Nick Poole explains, it’s important to time a fungicide application to maximise your economic response by protecting the money leaves – the top 3 leaves required for grain fill.
Specific issues on fungicide resistance and managing risk in canola crops
Dr Steve Marcroft, Marcroft Grains Pathology
It’s essential to understand the genetic resistance of canola cultivars before applying fungicides – otherwise you may be wasting that spray! Steve Marcroft suggests accessing the Blackleg resistance ratings from the GRDC website or the Blackleg Management Guide.
Grower management techniques to minimise fungicide resistance risk in the medium rainfall zone
Dr Tara Garrard, SARDI
“The more spores of a pathogen in a paddock, the higher the chances of fungicide resistance developing … we need to keep the levels of inoculum as low as possible.” Consider the fungicide resistance management pyramid when making crop management decisions.
AFREN Fungicide Resistance Five
The Fungicide Resistance Five is an integrated disease management strategy to reduce disease pressure and minimise reliance on fungicides for disease control.
AFREN Fungicide Resistance Pyramid
Fungicides are at risk of developing resistance but there are cultural and non-chemical options to consider before applying. The AFREN is a useful management tool.
Other resources
Check out some of the other resources available on the AFREN website.
Management Guide
The Fungicide Resistance Management in Australian Grain Crops guide explains fungicide resistance and best practice management strategies.
Blog Posts
The blog posts published provide a snapshot summary of some key messages on fungicide resistance available within AFREN.
Podcasts produced with leading fungicide resistance experts on key topics are available on most podcast streaming services.
Videos produced to help growers understand how fungicide resistance develops and how to prevent it from becoming an issue.
Case Studies
These case studies provide useful insight into managing fungicide resistance in the cropping system.
Webinars were delivered in 2020 and 2021 to provide seasonal updates on diseases pressures and fungicide issues.
Fact sheets
Fact sheets on individual crops, diseases and specific resistance cases are available online.
Other resources
A series of links to other useful online resources regarding fungicide resistance and disease management.